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The Well Worthy BODY

(Part 1)

Take care of your body, you live here.

Take care of your BODY. 

It's the only place you have to live. 

Every Body is Some Body Special - To the Self, Then to Others. 

Take care of your body. It's the only one you've got.

For when you do, it'll take care of you, too!

Survival Vs. Expectations:

Adequate food, water, shelter, sleep, comfort, and protection are vital for survival.  Most people reading this have come to expect much more than the basics to survive.  So much more!  This is, after all, The Age of Technology.  An automobile or phone malfunction, can send one into a cardiac arrest!? One must have it, and it must work!  One's life depends on it.  But wait,  From a Well Worthy Perspective: is it one's life, or one's livelihood, both, ..... or, neither?

Every body is somebody special - to the self, then to others:

The body needs proper care.  Basic survival needs must be met of course, but today our minds are tuned to expect more.  How much more, depends on the person.  When most or all persons come to expect the same thing, it becomes a normal expectation.  Of course we all know that what is a basic or normal expectation in one part of the world is very different in another part.  Addressing this  From a Well Worthy Perspective: is important.

When one begins to expect more, and it becomes a norm, then the brain often recognizes it as a necessity.  It is then habit or a way of life.  Variety being the “spice of life”, those who can spice it up a bit, do.  Then the various “spices” become a norm, because they are common place.  However, this becomes a problem when the difference between what the body needs, and what the body wants, is way off balance.   From a Well Worthy Perspective: that something, then, is not a healthy thing.  Since everyone has it, does it, or uses it, and it's normal, its problem is often undetected, until its adverse health issues become noticeable.  (Confusing?  Read it again and it will make sense.)

Setting Limits with Moderation:


If Enough is as Good as a Feast, Plenty is Food for the Beast.

If one sets limits, restrictions and boundaries on one’s own self, it keeps one in check, as well as in control of one's own life (Self  Control).  Another or others, don't have to step in, as much - or at all.  Moderation is the key word here. From a Well Worthy Perspective:   Anything in moderation can either be a minor  achievement, or a small mistake.  Either in access, can become a major detriment.  Most anything can be corrected or fixed in today’s world.  The issue is:  how much fixing is necessary, and how much of it, can be fixed naturally












Good rule of thumb: If the problem can be fixed by the body, or with the help of a natural remedy, the problem is moderate.   (The side effects would also be nominal).  When the remedy required is perhaps normal (based on the standards of the day), but not natural (produced by the body, or of nature), the remedy (or fix) is excessive.  (beyond moderate)  Excessive remedies produce excessive side effects.

Often, those remedies are or should be, sort after as the only alternative to perishing.  When one is in severe pain or discomfort.  At such times, the now factor becomes relevant, and quick relief seems necessary, for obvious but unfortunate reasons. 

Enough is enogh.


"Enough is Eeenufff"


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Normal Vs. Natural:

Something that is natural is not always normal, and something that is normal, does not have to be natural. While natural is something that is “of nature”, normal is anything that is “common practice”, and popular with the people of the time – (purely based on human consideration).  Actually, what was natural yesterday is natural today also.  One can and has altered nature, and the alterations thus, make something less natural.  From a Well Worthy Perspective: seeking what’s natural, over what’s normal, is a good choice.  Take the time to eat properly, not hurriedly

Any food in moderation, is acceptable and healthy.  Enjoy your food!

Being obsessive about any food (natural or processed), is what's unhealthy



  Clean water, and lots of it, keeps the body hydrated.  Washing it out with water, works simply, and effectively for most ailmentsFever included!  Most of our bodies consist of water, Well over 50% in men, women, and children.  The percentages vary with age, gender, and fitness level, so keeping our water percentage at a natural level is vital.  

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From a Well Worthy Perspective:  a good rule of thumb is to drink an amount of water (in ounces), that is half of one’s body weight (in kgs. or lbs.) throughout the day, every day.  Thanks to our natural ability to extract rather than absorb larger amounts of water, a little extra is better than a little less.



Ever since: "Work hard, play hard, sleep when you die" & "Take a licking but keep on ticking" became the norm, Well Worthiness became less and less natural, and more and more difficult.  

Sleep is vital for the human body!  While children require more of it than adults, and the exact amount for each adult will vary, an average adult requires anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of sleep - Some nights, more and some nights less, than others, depending on exertion level.  

From a Well Worthy Perspective:  less than 7 hours of sleep on a regular basis, is a

definite cause for poor health. So, an adult regularly requiring more than 9 hours of sleep,     would also be a wellness concern.


There are some basic comforts that one requires to be well.  Today one has come to take many of these comforts for granted, like safety, shelter and a suitable climate, for example.  Due to modern technology, convenience is becoming more and more of a (requirementcomfort factor, than a luxury factorFrom a Well Worthy Perspective:  a reasonable amount of comfort is required to be well.  However, when “one person’s comfort is a collective discomfort”, that comfort is unreasonable - or selfishThat (selfish) comfort would not qualify as Well Worthy because it would lack the deserving factor  .....

Exercise the body well enough

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If there is any truth to: Karma (what goes around comes around), then,  From a Well Worthy Perspective: Being Considerate is Well Worthy!



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Enjoy it!


walk, swim,

dance - move. 

The body requires a good stretch, much movement, and a cardio-vascular work out to keep fit.  Depending on one’s age, one must get adequate exercise to keep the body well.  This today, is usually either ignored, or taken to the extreme.  From a Well Worthy Perspective:  Enough and moderation are important here, also.  While swimming is an excellent form of exercise for mostly all body types, age will otherwise be a good consideration on the choice of exercise.  A child will require more exercise, and benefit from a good run for fun.  A young adult would benefit from a healthy routine, involving rigorous movement like aerobics and working with weights.  As one gets older, depending on the body (individual), usually at around 45-60 years, one can slow down the pace a bit, and replace rigor with calm. (A good stretch, Yoga – basic or advanced), regular morning or evening walks, and the like, will keep the body in good working condition.  A good rule of thumb would be to choose an exercise that gets one panting when young, and breathing deeply, when older.  Remember: ENOUGH & MODERATION are Key!

Regular exercise, on a daily basis, in moderation, works wonders!

Fresh air is good for the body

Fresh Air:


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Clean air is a priceless necessity! Fresh (clean) air is becoming a rare commodity today.  However, it is a necessity!   If you are considering relocating to a crowded place with unclean air, please, think of what you might be giving up, and for what.  

From a Well Worthy Perspective: Feeding the lungs with a good dose of oxygen (not pollution), taking a few deep breaths though out the day, is extremely beneficial.  This is one basic and simple natural remedy that can help in many situations (excellent during anxiety, stress, and depression), but is sadly underestimated for its healing strength and potency.  

Simplicity, Consistency, & Moderation are Inexpensive Well Worthy Tips.


The Alternative:

The alternative to simplicity, consistency, and moderation: becomes a very costly affair, but peculiarly a popular choice today.  Too many go where the earnings are better, but where the air is not.  Health care prices soar, and insurance rates go up, also.  Being able to afford good health care, would mean affording medical insurance, which is usually provided by the employer.  One thing leads to another, and before one knows it, one is “living to work”, rather than “working to live”.  Hanging on to one’s job for dear life, for the sake of insurance, is not uncommon.  A better cost efficient option, a workable, doable option, is quite simpleUnpopular, but simple!  Simply avoid what would obviously make you sick, and unwell.  It is not as difficult or complicated as the “New Norm” would have one believe.  The popular choice is often the root of the problemFrom a Well Worthy Perspective: If one’s job, is what is making one sick, sticking with sick, only makes one even more sick.  It is not the only option, but it is, (unfortunately), the most popular choice.  When neglecting one’s body becomes a norm, neglect becomes acceptable and it spreads.  Before long one gets caught up in a vicious circle of neglect, that makes absolutely no sense, and is down right unhealthy! 

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Self Control:

Keeping things simple, moderate and consistent, requires determination and Self controlFrom a Well Worthy Perspective: the right amount of determination and self control, helps one become The Master of One’s (own) Body

Freedom Of Choice:

Wellness from self control, or illness from neglect are choices that an adult makes for oneself in the free world.  From a Well Worthy Perspective: Neglecting one's body is a form of self abuse, and should be unacceptable - unless it is for a worthy cause, and one's martyrdom is beneficial to the world at large.  For Example .....

When Abuse is Put to Good Use:


"Swaraj (freedom) is my birth-right, and I shall have it", said Mahatma Gandhi - the epitome of a self controlled man.  He sacrificed his health (his well worthiness), to the point of abuse.  An abuse to the self that produced freedom for a nation.  A valuable lesson of selflessness for the world.  A self abuse, put to such good use, can surely be considered:  WELL Worthy Exception!


But taking into consideration that Mahatma Gandhi was One of a Kind, Please realize that self abuse comes from low Self  Worth, so be Well Worthy, because

Your Body Is Your Greatest Dwelling - DWell By It!



self control and self abuse

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